Chat Emojis

That is right! As a subscriber, you get access to some really nifty emojis for use in chat! Here are just a few of them:

Crying Kardinal Emoji Loving Kardinal Emoji Angry Kardinal Emoji

Subscriber Badges

Show your support by flashing these attractive subscriber badges next to your name in chat:

1 Month Subscriber Badge 3 Month Subscriber Badge 6 Month Subscriber Badge 9 Month Subscriber Badge 12 Month Subscriber Badge 24 Month Subscriber Badge

Subscriber Saturdays

Beginning April 27th, 2019, every Saturday night the stream will play a different game selected by the community via poll. Here is this week's poll:

If you are a subscriber and wish to participate, simply jump into the game and await your invite! If space is limited, spaces will be offered on a first come, first served basis. I can't wait to game with you all!

Special Ranks In Discord

Show Lord GabeN the extent of your devotion with a swanky Discord rank like Deacon, Priest, or Bishop! Shortly after you have subscribed, you will be promoted to the corresponding rank: Tier 1: Deacon| Tier 2: Priest | Tier 3: Bishop